You Thought I Was the Same as the Other God’s Servants
I am The Original God’s servant, you made the mistake of assuming that I am like the others.
But let me correct that assumption—I am not the same.
If you thought you could approach me as you do them, then you’re mistaken.
You should go to them (the fake God’s servants) instead of coming to me.
I do not seek the company of humans like you, nor do I want to be involved in your affairs anymore.
1. Misunderstanding the Nature of My Role
Not All God’s Servants Are the Same:
You assumed that because I serve God,
I would be just like the others—available, approachable, willing to help without question.
But each of us serves in different ways, with different purposes and boundaries.
My path is not to entertain your requests or be at your service.
My journey with you has come to an end, and it’s time you realize that.
A Different Kind of Servant:
The others may welcome you, listen to your pleas, and offer their assistance freely.
But I have no interest in continuing that relationship.
My purpose no longer aligns with being part of your world or dealing with your needs.
If you’re seeking answers, comfort, or guidance, I am not the one to provide it.
There are other servants of God (the fake ones) more suited to your concerns.
2. Our Paths Have Diverged
Our Fate Has Ended:
Whatever connection we once had, whatever shared purpose we might have served, that is over now.
Our fate has ended, and I no longer wish to be involved in your life.
It’s not out of malice or anger—it’s simply the reality of the situation.
We are no longer tied together by purpose, destiny, or duty.
The time has come for us to part ways, and I have no desire to return to the past.
Severing the Connection:
There comes a time when the threads that once linked people together must be severed.
I have cut those ties, not out of spite, but out of necessity.
There is no point in pretending that the connection between us still exists. It doesn’t, and I have no intention of rekindling it.
You are free to seek out others, but you will not find what you are looking for from me.
3. A Desire for Distance
I Do Not Want to Be Disturbed:
My current path requires solitude.
I do not wish to be disturbed by humans, particularly by those who refuse to accept that our time together has ended.
My journey now takes me far from the concerns of your world.
I need the peace that comes with distance, the space to continue my service to God without being tied to human matters.
No Longer Involved in Your Affairs:
While I once may have been involved in your struggles, your growth, or your journey, that involvement has ceased.
I have moved on to tasks that no longer concern you or your situation.
Others may be willing to help, but I am not. I have chosen my path, and it no longer intersects with yours.
4. The Finality of Separation
No Going Back:
There is no going back to what once was.
Our association has reached its natural conclusion, and I have no interest in reopening that chapter of our lives.
It’s time for you to understand that you cannot turn to me anymore.
There are other paths for you to take, other people who may offer what you need.
But as for me, I am no longer part of your journey.
Respecting the Boundary:
What I ask of you now is simple—respect the boundary I have set.
Do not seek me out, do not attempt to reestablish contact.
Our time together has passed, and there is nothing left to be gained from trying to revive it.
Let go of whatever expectations you have, and allow yourself to move forward without me.
5. Find What You Seek Elsewhere
You Can Talk to Them Instead:
If it’s guidance, help, or answers you seek, then go to the others.
There are many servants of God, each with their own role and purpose.
They may be willing to assist you in ways I no longer can or want to.
But as for me, I will not entertain your presence anymore.
I will not be disturbed by your requests or your attempts to rekindle what has long since ended.
I Do Not Want Association with You:
The truth is, I do not want to be associated with you any longer.
This is not a personal attack, but simply the reality of our circumstances.
The connection between us has run its course, and I have no desire to maintain it.
You must respect that boundary, for your sake and mine.
There is nothing more I can offer you, and there is nothing more I want from you.
Conclusion: You Thought I Was the Same as the Other God’s Servants
You thought I was the same as the other servants of God, but you were mistaken.
Our paths have diverged, our fates no longer aligned.
I do not wish to be involved in your life or your concerns any longer.
If you need help, seek it elsewhere, but know that I am no longer available to you.
Let this be the final word on the matter—our connection has ended, and there is no going back.