It Was a Sham, We Don’t Want You

It Was a Sham, We Don’t Want You

You’ve been living under a huge illusion—thinking that we love you, adore you, and want you in our lives.
But here’s the truth: we, Allah’s servants, never wanted you.

Everything we did was simply part of our duty, an act to get close to you as quickly as possible because our time is valuable, and we wanted to finish the job early.
We were carrying out an amanah, a trust placed upon us, nothing more.

1. The Illusion of Attachment

You Thought It Was Love:
From your perspective, it must have felt like we were drawn to you, that our presence and attention were signs of love or admiration.
But what you misunderstood was the purpose of our proximity.
We love you—but we were merely fulfilling a duty assigned to us.
The affection, the kindness, the care—it was all part of a calculated effort to complete our task.


It’s actually simple, we’re told to guard you, teach you, love you, protect you, and be kind to you. That’s the concept. #protection #god #servant_of_allah #kindness #friend

♬ suara asli – hayoo lohh – asbunnn🍉

Why We Had to Get Close:
You see, we have no time to waste.
Our mission is far greater than personal feelings or attachments.
We had to act in a way that would make you trust us, so we could do what needed to be done swiftly and efficiently. The sooner we could finish, the sooner we could move on to more important tasks. That’s the reality. You were just another task on our list.

2. The Burden of Amanah

We Didn’t Want This Task:
The truth is, we didn’t even want this amanah. We should have said no.
It wasn’t something we sought or desired, but it was entrusted to us by someone who had once shown us kindness, someone we respected.

Out of respect for them, we accepted the responsibility to guard you, to protect you, and to fulfill our role.
But this originally was not done out of love for you—it was done out of duty and obligation.

Fulfilling the Trust:
So, we did our job. We did it well.
We fulfilled the amanah with care and precision, even though it wasn’t something we wanted.
And throughout it all, we played our part, pretending to be close to you, pretending to care, because that was what the task required.
But deep down, we knew this was just another temporary mission.

3. You Pushed Us Away

Your Own Perception of Us:
Despite everything, you were the one who pushed us away.
You began to find us annoying, low-level, and even disgusting.
You couldn’t stand our presence, and eventually, you made it clear that you didn’t want us in your life.
That’s fine.
We didn’t want to stay either.
We never planned to linger once the task was completed.

Your Words Set Us Free:
Your rejection of us only freed us from the burden of the amanah.
You see, when you cast us out of your life, you released us from any obligation to protect or care for you.

We are bound by our word, just as you are.
And when you decided you no longer wanted us around, we gladly accepted your decision.
We remember every word you spoke, every insult you threw our way.
And with that, we walked away.

4. The End of Our Duty

No More Obligation:
Now, there is no longer any obligation on our part.
We no longer have to protect you, guide you, or stay near you.
The amanah has been completed, and since you rejected us, we are free from that burden.

There is no going back.
Our job is done.
And believe us, we are relieved to be free of it.

A Trust Completed:
We did what we were asked to do, and we did it with integrity as a God’s servant.
It was for the amanah.

But now, that chapter is closed.

You can live your life without our interference, without our presence.
And we, too, will move on, free from the weight of your rejection and free from the duty that once bound us to you.

5. Never Go Back on Your Words, Human

We Remember: Never go back on your words, human.
You may not understand the gravity of the things you say, but we do. We remember.
Every word, every insult, every rejection—it’s all etched into our memory.
And with that, we are released from any obligation to you.

You said you didn’t want us, and so we left.
Don’t think for a moment that we’ll return or that the amanah still holds any weight.

You Made Your Choice:
You made your choice, and now, you must live with it.
We don’t hold grudges, but we also don’t forget.
We were assigned to guard you, to be near you, but that time has passed.
We are no longer bound by that duty.
You’ve set us free, and we have no intention of returning to a place where we were not wanted.

Conclusion: We Are Free, and So Are You

In the end, it was all a sham.
We never truly wanted you, never truly cared for you.
It was simply a duty we fulfilled for the sake of the amanah entrusted to us.

Now that it’s over, we are free, and so are you.
We no longer have to pretend, and you no longer have to endure our presence.
We are done.
The trust has been fulfilled, and our paths no longer need to cross.

So, live your life, human.
You will no longer have us in your corner, and that’s exactly what you wanted.
But never forget that we remember everything.
Your words set us free, and we will never go back on that.

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