The Starting Journey of an Allah’s Servant

My name is Krisna, and I was born as a human on Earth. Yet, there’s a part of me that feels distinctly different, as if I belong to another realm altogether. Despite this, I experience pain, suffer wounds, and bleed just like any other person, affirming my undeniable humanity. However, there’s an aspect of my existence that sets me apart – my connection with God feels extraordinarily strong. It’s as if my prayers are heard and often answered, and my desires, with the notable exception of the elusive $3 trillion I’ve asked God, seem to be fulfilled in ways that defy ordinary explanation. This connection has led me to a profound realization: I am under constant divine surveillance, watched over by an unseen force at all times. This realization has been both a source of comfort and a cause for deep contemplation about my place in the universe and the path that lies ahead of me as Allah’s servant.

I am not the slave of Islam, but Allah is My Lord

I am Islam, but when I know Allah, I realize that I am Allah’s servant, not a slave to any particular faith or creed.

Instead, it elevates my understanding and relationship with Allah.

I am not a slave of Islam, so I am not inclined to hate others based on their religions, but I recognize and embrace Allah as my Lord.
This profound realization shapes my existence in a myriad of ways.

I experience the full spectrum of human emotions and physical sensations – pain, joy, sorrow, and even the vulnerability of being wounded.
These experiences affirm me that I am weak, I am a human.

Yet, if I am indeed weak, why would God love me?
God can crush me anytime, but He doesn’t.

This unique bond with Allah makes me feel constantly watched over, guided, and protected by a mysterious and nurturing force.

What It Means To Be A Servant of Allah

To be a servant of Allah in Islam means to fully submit oneself to the will and commandments of Allah. This includes following the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah (the practices of the Prophet Muhammad), engaging in regular prayers (Salah), and striving to live a life that is moral, ethical, and compassionate.

Being a servant of Allah also involves acknowledging Allah’s omnipotence and seeking to cultivate a close, personal relationship with Him through worship, reflection, and good deeds. It’s about leading a life that balances spiritual obligations with worldly responsibilities, always keeping in mind the guidance and principles provided by Islam.

Practicing Patience and Gratitude

Practicing patience (sabar) and gratitude (syukur) are foundational concepts in Islam and are highly emphasized as virtuous traits. These concepts are deeply interwoven into the fabric of Islamic teachings, providing guidance on how to navigate life’s challenges and blessings.

Practicing Patience (Sabar):

  1. Definition and Importance:
    • Sabar in Islam is the quality of being steadfast, enduring, and patient in the face of adversity, hardship, or suffering. It is considered one of the highest virtues.
    • It’s about remaining calm, not losing hope, and maintaining faith in Allah during challenging times.
  2. Qur’anic References:
    • Allah says in the Qur’an,
      “O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.”
      (Al-Baqarah 2:153).
    • Numerous verses in the Qur’an praise the quality of patience and promise great rewards for those who exhibit patience.
  3. Hadiths on Patience:
    • The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,
      “How wonderful is the affair of the believer, for his affairs are all good, and this applies to no one but the believer.
      If something good happens to him, he is thankful for it and that is good for him.
      If something bad happens to him, he bears it with patience and that is good for him”
      (Sahih Muslim).

Practicing Gratitude (Syukur):

  1. Definition and Importance:
    • Syukur in Islam is the quality of being thankful and expressing gratitude, both in one’s heart and through one’s actions, for the blessings bestowed by Allah.
    • It involves recognizing even the smallest of blessings, acknowledging them as gifts from Allah, and using them in a way that pleases Him.
  2. Qur’anic References:
    • Allah says, “And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed: ‘If you give thanks [by accepting faith and worshiping none but Allah], I will give you more [of My Blessings]; but if you are thankless [i.e. disbelievers], verily My punishment is indeed severe.'” (Ibrahim 14:7).
  3. Hadiths on Gratitude:
    • The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of gratitude, saying, “He who does not thank the people is not thankful to Allah” (Sunan Abu Dawood).

Integrating Sabar and Syukur into Daily Life:

  1. Reflecting on Life’s Challenges and Blessings:
    • Recognize that difficulties are tests and opportunities for growth.
    • Acknowledge and appreciate the good in your life, even during hard times.
  2. Maintaining a Positive Outlook:
    • Keep a balanced perspective, focusing on the bigger picture and the eventual good that can emerge from trials.
  3. Expressing Gratitude:
    • Regularly express thanks to Allah through prayers and remembrance.
    • Show gratitude to people around you for their kindness and help.
  4. Using Trials as Means of Spiritual Growth:
    • Use challenging times to strengthen your faith, increase your resilience, and deepen your reliance on Allah.

In summary, patience and gratitude are complementary qualities that, when practiced together, can bring about a profound sense of peace, resilience, and contentment in a Muslim’s life. They are essential for spiritual growth and maintaining a positive and balanced perspective in both good times and bad.

Allah’s servant Conclusion

Indeed, the concept of being a servant of Allah (‘Abd Allah) in Islam is deeply connected to the idea of living a life oriented towards goodness, virtue, and avoiding evil. This concept is central to Islamic teachings and encompasses various aspects of life, including one’s intentions, actions, and overall character.

The Role of Being Allah’s Servant:

  1. Obedience and Worship:
    • Being a servant of Allah means recognizing and accepting Allah’s sovereignty and guidance in every aspect of life. It involves adhering to the teachings of the Qur’an and the Sunnah (practices) of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
  2. Pursuing Goodness:
    • A servant of Allah is encouraged to do good deeds, act righteously, and contribute positively to society. This includes being kind, honest, just, and compassionate.
  3. Avoiding Evil:
    • Part of being a devoted servant is to avoid actions that are considered sinful or harmful in Islam. This includes acts of injustice, oppression, dishonesty, and anything that Allah has prohibited.

The Impact of This Role:

  1. Personal Development:
    • Striving to be a good servant of Allah leads to personal growth and spiritual development. It encourages self-reflection, accountability, and continuous improvement in one’s conduct.
  2. Community and Relationships:
    • The pursuit of goodness as Allah’s servant positively affects one’s interactions and relationships with others, fostering a sense of brotherhood, empathy, and mutual support within the community.
  3. Inner Peace and Satisfaction:
    • Fulfilling one’s duties as Allah’s servant brings inner peace and contentment, as it aligns an individual’s purpose with their faith and beliefs.
  4. Reward and Accountability:
    • Islam teaches that servants of Allah will be rewarded for their good deeds and held accountable for their actions in the Hereafter.

Living as Allah’s Servant:

  • Regular Worship and Remembrance:
    Engaging in regular prayers (Salah), reciting the Qur’an, and remembering Allah (Dhikr) help to strengthen one’s relationship with Allah and reinforce the commitment to His path.
  • Ethical Conduct:
    Adhering to ethical principles in personal, professional, and social life as guided by Islamic teachings.
  • Service to Others:
    Helping those in need, being just and fair, and contributing positively to the welfare of society.
  • Continuous Learning:
    Seeking knowledge about Islam and understanding its teachings to implement them correctly in life.

In essence, being a servant of Allah is about embodying the values and principles of Islam, which guide a person towards righteous actions and deter them from wrongdoing. It’s a comprehensive way of life that shapes one’s character, actions, and interactions with the world.

In the end, whether I succeed or not in life will be the deciding factor to be a good Allah’s servant.

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