Please Don’t Ruin the Two Kingdoms
A household is a kingdom in its own right.
Within this sacred space, the husband acts as the king, the wife as the queen, and their shared responsibilities create a harmonious realm.
Though these kingdoms may seem ordinary, even mundane, they are often bastions of stability, safety, and peace.
To disrupt them with acts like infidelity is not just a betrayal—it’s the destruction of two kingdoms.
1. The Sacredness of the Two Kingdoms
1.1. The Kingdom of Marriage:
Marriage is a divine institution ordained by Allah. It’s not just a union of two people, but a sacred covenant blessed by Him.
- “And among His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy.”
(Surah Ar-Rum: 21)
1.2. The Roles Within the Kingdom:
In a household, the husband is the leader, the protector, and the provider, while the wife is the nurturer, the partner, and the heart of the home.
Together, they create balance and harmony, serving as examples for their children and the world.
1.3. Stability Over Excitement:
Though a marriage may sometimes feel boring or repetitive, its stability provides peace and security.
This stability is far more valuable than fleeting worldly pleasures.
2. The Consequences of Infidelity
2.1. Destruction of Two Kingdoms:
An act of infidelity doesn’t just harm one marriage—it tears apart two homes.
The trust, respect, and harmony painstakingly built over years can crumble in an instant.
- For the betrayed spouse:
Their world is turned upside down, leaving them hurt, betrayed, and struggling to rebuild their life. - For the children (if any):
The family structure they rely on for safety and guidance is broken, leaving them emotionally scarred.
2.2. Damage to Personal Honour:
Infidelity stains not just the individual’s reputation but their soul.
It diminishes one’s self-respect and integrity, making them unworthy of trust in the eyes of others and Allah.
- “And do not approach adultery.
Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.”
(Surah Al-Isra: 32)
2.3. Loss in the Eyes of Allah:
As a servant of Allah, engaging in such sinful behaviour distances you from His mercy.
It taints your relationship with Him, making it harder to seek His blessings and forgiveness.
3. The Path to Righteousness
3.1. Protecting Your Dignity:
Infidelity might promise fleeting pleasure, but it leaves behind a trail of regret and dishonour.
Stay true to your principles and remember your worth as a servant of Allah.
3.2. Guarding Your Heart and Actions:
Avoid situations that may lead to temptation.
Strengthen your relationship with Allah through prayer and mindfulness, asking Him to guide you away from wrongdoing.
3.3. Practising Patience:
Life in this world is short, and its temptations are fleeting.
Endure with patience and trust in Allah’s timing for your blessings.
- “Indeed, those who fear Allah and are patient—Allah does not allow the reward of the doers of good to be lost.”
(Surah Yusuf: 90)
4. The Honour of Resisting Temptation
Choosing not to indulge in sin, especially when temptation is present, is a mark of true strength and devotion to Allah.
It’s a reflection of your integrity and commitment to righteousness.
- Respect yourself:
By avoiding sinful actions, you preserve your honour and integrity. - Respect others:
Recognize the sanctity of other people’s marriages and do not be the cause of their suffering.
5. A Call to Responsibility
5.1. For Yourself:
Remember that every action is recorded by Allah, and every choice has consequences.
Stay mindful of your role as His servant and the example you set for others.
5.2. For the Two Kingdoms:
Think of the families involved and the ripple effect of your choices.
Destroying two kingdoms for a moment of pleasure is a heavy price to pay.
5.3. For the Ummah:
As a part of the larger Muslim community, your actions reflect on the faith as a whole.
Strive to uphold the dignity of Islam through your behaviour.
Conclusion: Guard the Kingdoms, Guard Your Soul
Infidelity may seem like a personal choice, but its consequences ripple far and wide, leaving destruction in its wake.
Don’t let a fleeting desire destroy two stable kingdoms and tarnish your honour as a servant of Allah.
Instead, embrace patience, righteousness, and integrity.
Your life is short, and your trials are temporary, but the rewards of staying true to Allah are eternal.
Guard yourself, your dignity, and the sanctity of marriage—not just for yourself but for the stability of the world around you.